Guild Charter

This charter should be read and understood by all Guild members.  Any member of the guild with ideas, suggestions, or concerns may direct them to a council member or officer through guild chat, Discord, or the website.

Mission Statement
Galaxy Knights is a Guild on the Satele Shan server. Our focus is building a strong guild with good relationships through good recruiting and teamwork.

Remaining Active
Any character who is inactive for more than 30 days may be removed from the guild roster to make room for more active members or new recruits. During high recruitment periods, we may remove characters who have been inactive for less than 30 days, however we will never remove characters who have been inactive for two weeks or less. If all your characters are removed from the Guild, you are always considered a member and can request an invitation for your characters in GK chat in game or on Discord. To access the GK channel, type /cjoin gk in your chat window. This will work for either faction.


Guild Events

Guild Bank


Disputes and Arguments between Members

Unforeseen Amendments