Guild Charter
This charter should be read and understood by all Guild members. Any member of the guild with ideas, suggestions, or concerns may direct them to a council member or officer through guild chat, Discord, or the website.
Mission Statement
Galaxy Knights is a Guild on the Satele Shan server. Our focus is building a strong guild with good relationships through good recruiting and teamwork.
Remaining Active
Any character who is inactive for more than 30 days may be removed from the guild roster to make room for more active members or new recruits. During high recruitment periods, we may remove characters who have been inactive for less than 30 days, however we will never remove characters who have been inactive for two weeks or less. If all your characters are removed from the Guild, you are always considered a member and can request an invitation for your characters in GK chat in game or on Discord. To access the GK channel, type /cjoin gk in your chat window. This will work for either faction.
The main means of communicating within the guild is Discord. Use Discord to discuss, post screenshots, request mission or FP/OPS assistance and check for news from the Council, Officers or other guild members. Check it often!
We expect our members to adhere to the contents of this charter while in Discord.
We use Discord for voice chat so we can talk with other guild members while in game. This increases the success of group content. Use of Discord is greatly encouraged. To use Discord you need a headset or speakers to hear us. Use of a microphone is helpful, but not necessary for most events.
Streaming group events in our guild is permitted, providing you have permission from all guild members involved in your stream. This is particularly important when in Discord voice channels. If there are 40 people in the channel and even one person does not give permission, you must cease from streaming that event. The Streaming Channel exists so that you can freely stream and anyone joining you in there gives their implicit permission.
Guild Events
Council / Officers / Watchmen will organize guild events like FP/OP runs, achievement hunts, world boss slaying, etc. It is expected that members try to get as involved as possible with these events if they have characters suitable for them. These are for everyone’s benefit; whether it is gear, XP or guild interaction you are looking for.
Any member may make a request for help on an instance, flashpoint or mission. We want to help you so please let us know how we may do so. Use the in-game guild chat or Discord to communicate and find people to help.
Guild Bank
If you would like to donate to your fellow guild members or to the guild, please place all items in the Donations tab.
Please read the Guild Bank Rules.
All members of the Guild are expected to treat each other with respect. Malicious teasing and mocking of other guild members, for whatever reason, will not be tolerated. What ties us together as guild members is that we enjoy playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. Never lose sight, however, that our members come from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures, and represent all ages, races, and sexes. What may seem perfectly fine, inocuous, and downright funny to you may be totally offensive to other Guild members.
Inappropriate and lewd character names are not acceptable. The player will be asked to change the character name or it will be removed from the Guild.
Bad language is tolerated, but if taken to excess or if members complain about it, the offender will be asked to moderate their language. Continued excessive swearing can ultimately lead to disciplinary action.
Under no circumstances shall political or religious topics be tolerated in guild chat, Discord, the website or any other place where they can be viewed or heard by guild members. This includes articles, memes, or videos related to these topics These topics are very divisive and polarizing.
We don’t allow comments or behavior that degrades others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, political beliefs, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other classifications.
Cooperation is something we pride ourselves on. We wish this tradition to continue. It is not expected that higher level characters give up too much time to help out the lower level characters; however, help is always appreciated and reciprocated.
GK plays fairly. We do not condone using exploits. We can't control what individual members do, but we will not allow guild events to use exploits.
Disputes and Arguments between Members
We are all human and we will, at some point, disagree with each other. All arguments should be handled discretely. This means no spamming guild with insults, accusations etc. All arguments should be taken to private channels (email, PMs, /w) as soon as possible.
If a problem cannot be resolved please bring it to the attention of a Council Member or Officer and they will help to resolve the issue if possible.
Any violation of charter rules should be brought to an Officer. If the violation requires any action, it will be dealt with by the Council.
The Council have complete freedom of action and can warn or remove members as they see fit. Immediate removal from the Guild will only occur under the gravest of circumstances. If possible, the breaches should be discussed by several Officers before the more severe measures of demotion or removal are taken.
Breaches of the rules by recruits or probationary will face a lower level of tolerance than those of full members; they may be removed without consultation if their actions make clear they don’t share the general guild spirit.
The Council have the right to use their judgment concerning anything that is not covered in the Guild Charter.
Unforeseen Amendments
The Council has the final say. An Officer is not allowed to deviate from this charter or enforce rules not explicitly mentioned herein without consulting the Council first, except under extreme circumstances.
The Guild reserves the right to change the contents of the Charter at anytime it is deemed necessary to do so. Agreement between the Council will be sufficient for such changes.